Tuesday 12 July 2016


Benchmarking has been by far the most difficult aspect of objective setting so far...

Although there is countless information in books and online about what benchmarking is and the benefits of benchmarking etc. To find the information needed to actually bench mark against has been painfully difficult.

This is something I have been going back and forth between my other researching since the beginning of the module and even after 7 weeks I still cannot find the information I need without paying a fee in terms of benchmarking against other companies. 

I am quite disappointed about this as I do feel like it would have been a fantastic aspect to include in my report however the module is about reflection and so although it would have been beneficial maybe the silver lining in this difficult experience was that it is a topic I can reflect on that did not work out as planned.

On reflection before writing my proposal I should have looked into each aspect I was proposing to ensure it was feasible before committing.

Who knows maybe after admitting defeat I will miraculously come across what I have been searching for all along but for now, sometimes you have a great idea in mind and it's just not as simple as it seems, however the most important thing is that I have learned something from it.

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